April 23, 2010


This April we just had a business trip to Jakarta for 10 days (April 13 – 23, 2010). It’s our routine schedule to find some new ideas and info as comparison toward our projects. In other way, we were also visiting our previous clients and some new prospects as part of our business development. And during the 10 days, we met some great people from various backgrounds, and some of them just selected us as their partner in developing their brand and business. And here they are.

Mr. Hengky from PT. ETERNAL GELORA PERKASA, Tangerang
(Details project at http://cavlentbrands.blogspot.com/2010/03/cavlents-introducing-new-identity-of.html )

A great and humble team from PT. BANGUN SARANA ALLOY, Tangerang
(Details project at http://cavlentbrands.blogspot.com/2010/04/introducing-new-media-application.html )

Ms. Chun Hwa (Taiwan) and her beauty experts
from SW Beauty Center, Tangerang

(Details project at http://cavlentbrands.blogspot.com/2010/04/sw-beauty-center-visual-identity.html )

Ms. Ovie Wu and team, Jakarta
(Details project at http://cavlentbrands.blogspot.com/2010/04/indonesian-model-selects-cavlent-brands.html )

We'd like to say thank you for trusting us in developing your brand. For the finished project, we will be waiting for another one. And for the on going ones, there are still so many things to do. But overall, we are ready for that. CHEERS!! =D

Sincerely yours,
CAVLENT's team

April 22, 2010


Ovie Wu

CAVLENT brands consultant has been appointed to help managing Ovie Wu’s personal branding. Born in September 1981, Ovie Wu has won some modeling competition (one of them was the champion of INDONESIAN MODEL COMPETITION 2004 which was held by INDOSIAR) and been involved in various projects such as :

1. Model in commercial print ad and TV ad for BII, Panin Bank, City Bank, KFC, and more

2. Presenter of Fokus Pagi, Fokus Siang, Patroli (INDOSIAR), Peri Kado reality show, F1 Quiz, Autovaganza (GLOBAL TV), and more

3. Host at some off air and on air shows in Indonesia

We are so excited about undertaking this project. There are so many models around us, and every one of them has their own specialist and character. It is really a challenging project, and we’re glad to support Ovie Wu and her team. “It is quite interesting to know the concept which is proposed by CAVLENT. And we think they are capable to formulate the best recommendation and brand strategy for me as a model to face the future challenges”, explained Ovie Wu.

With Ovie Wu and team

You can find more about Ovie Wu on her show at :

- TVOne Expose every Wednesday on 1.30 pm

- TVOne – 101 Catalog every Saturday at 9 am

- AnTV “Djarum Indonesia Super League” every Saturday and Sunday on 3 pm or 6.30 pm

The project kicks off this April.

Sincerely yours,

CAVLENT’s team

April 18, 2010



SW beauty center's outlet

Another interesting project that we’ve got on this April is VISUAL IDENTITY REDESIGN for our previous client, SW beauty center (from Taiwan). It is a beauty center founded in 2003 and located at Serpong district (Tangerang city). The differentiation of this beauty center is on the treatment technique that uses Taiwan’s technology.

Meet Mrs. Chun Hwa from Taiwan as the founder of SW beauty center

With SW beauty center beauty expert

On the current situation, SW beauty center needs a clearer visual communication to communicate more focus on their strength. So here CAVLENT’s team was appointed to realize this objective. The project kicks off this April 2010.

Sincerely yours,

CAVLENT’s team

April 12, 2010

BOROBUDUR - Local Brand That Goes International

Sekarang CAVLENT akan mengajak Anda melihat sebuah "destination brand" di Indonesia yang sangat terkenal di dunia yaitu CANDI BOROBUDUR. Sebelum kami membahasnya dalam kajian brand, mari kita pelajari sekilas sejarah Candi ini.
Now CAVLENT is going to take you get closer to a well-known destination brand in Indonesia which is BOROBUDUR TEMPLE. Before we go on brand perspective, let's find out the history behind the temple.

one of Indonesia's destination heritage


Buddha Statue

Adalah sebuah warisan kebudayaan Indonesia yang telah berdiri dengan megah sejak abad ke 9 Masehi hingga saat ini. Dibangun pada dinasti Syailendra, CANDI BOROBUDUR merupakan candi beragama Budha yang pernah dilupakan karena sebagian besar bangunannya pernah tertutup tanah vulkanik, pepohonan, dan semak belukar akibat letusan gunung berapi. Namun pada akhirnya ditemukan kembali oleh Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles pada tahun 1814 saat Inggris menduduki Indonesia. Beliau mendapatkan kabar tentang penemuan benda purbakala berukuran raksasa di desa Bumisegoro daerah Magelang. Proses penggalian candi ini berlangsung lama mengingat area candi yang cukup luas yaitu 123 x 123 meter, dan akhirnya berhasil digali seluruhnya pada tahun 1835. Sejak tahun 1991, CANDI BOROBUDUR ditetapkan sebagai World Heritage Site atau Warisan Dunia oleh UNESCO.
BOROBUDUR TEMPLE is an Indonesia heritage which was built in approximately 9th centuries. Founded in Sailendra dynasty, BOROBUDUR TEMPLE is a Buddhist temple that had been forgotten for some period because it lay hidden under layers of volcanic ash and jungle growth. But it was finally discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles when British invented Indonesia. He was informed about a big monument deep in a jungle near the village of Bumisegoro, Magelang. Then the cleared up process took years due to the large complex 123 x 123 meters, and it was finally unearthed on 1835. Since 1991, BOROBUDUR TEMPLE was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


From Borobudur's View

Bila dikaji dalam sudut pandang brand, maka BOROBUDUR adalah sebuah merek internasional yang diproduksi di Indonesia oleh sebuah perusahaan yang bernama SYAILENDRA. Dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah brand lokal yang saat ini berhasil diakui oleh dunia internasional. Brand ini dilaunching sejak abad ke 9 Masehi dan masih bertahan hingga saat ini. Produk CANDI BOROBUDUR berupa sekumpulan batu yang didesain sedemikian rupa dan dirangkai dengan teknologi arsitektur kuno (disusun berdasarkan pola dan ditumpuk tanpa semen dan perekat) namun kaya akan filsafat ajaran Budha sebagai salah satu added value yang dimiliki. Ajaran Budha ini dapat dilihat pada dinding-dinding candi dimana terdapat relief (total 2670 relief) yang menceritakan kehidupan sang Budha.
On brand perspective, BOROBUDUR is a local brand manufactured in Indonesia by SAILENDRA company and successfully goes international. Founded in the 9th centuries, the product is made of thousands stones that designed and built using old architect technology ("dirangkai" based on pattern and "tumpuk" without "semen" and "perekat"). It is rich of Buddhist philosophy as one of the added value and can be found on the wall that has 2670 reliefs, which telling us about the Buddha's story.

Borobudur Information Board

Sebagai pelengkap, brand ini menyediakan beberapa service dan fasilitas penunjang untuk meningkatkan brand performance-nya di mata customer (dalam hal ini para pengunjung), antara lain :
1. Area parkir yang luas
2. Toko pernak-pernik tradisional, terletak di akses keluar masuk candi
3. Lokasi penjualan tiket
4. Local guide yang fasih berbahasa Inggris dan menguasai product knowledge (salah satu ujung tombak yang memiliki peranan besar dalam kepuasan customer terhadap brand, dalam bisnis semacam account executive/PR)
5. Rute perjalanan yang jelas, khususnya akses keluar masuk
6. Eksklusifitas pengunjung, dimana area candi dikhususkan bagi para pengunjung/turis dan pedagang asongan dilarang memasuki area candi

Beside a good product, BOROBUDUR brand also provides some services and facilities to improve the brand performance and create the customer satisfaction such as :
1. Large parking area
2. Traditional merchandise shop on entrance and exit
3. Ticket counter
4. Local guides who speak English fluently and know well on product knowledge (one of the front liners who play roles on customer satisfaction. In business it is kind of account executive / public relation)
5. Clear route from entrance to exit
6. Only visitors are allowed to get into the temple's complex

One way to the top

Walaupun tetap ada beberapa point yang masih perlu diperhatikan (kebersihan area candi, fasilitas toilet, kelengkapan tempat sampah, security di beberapa titik dalam candi untuk menegakkan peraturan dilarang merokok, dll), brand Candi Borobudur memiliki ciri khas yang tidak dimiliki oleh bangunan lain.

Even there are still some parts that need more attention (clean, toilet, garbage trash, securities inside the temple to control the smokers, etc), the brand has its own uniqueness that can't be found on similar building.

Stand Among Centuries

Happy Family Time

Another view of Borobudur

Dalam diskusi ini dapat dilihat bahwa brand lokal juga dapat bersaing dengan brand internasional ASAL memiliki uniqueness yang kuat yang tidak/belum dimiliki oleh brand lain, minimal dapat dibedakan. Contohnya meskipun sama-sama dari batu, BOROBUDUR dapat dibedakan dengan Tembok Cina. Baik dari teknik arsitekturnya (dalam bisnis adalah faktor teknologi), bentuk bangunan / pengemasan bangunan (dalam bisnis adalah faktor packaging), fungsi (dalam bisnis adalah kegunaan produk, dan lain-lain.

Through this discussion, we know that a local brand can compete in international market JUST IF they have a strong uniqueness that isn't/hasn't owned by others, at least can be seen the difference. Example, even used the same materials, BOROBUDUR is different with CHINESE GREAT WALL for the architect technique (in business, the point is on the technology), building shape / packaging (in business, the point is on the packaging), function (in business, the point is on the product utility), and others.

Selain unik dan berbeda, sebuah brand juga perlu diperkenalkan atau dikomunikasikan dengan cara yang tepat. Salah satu yang terjadi dengan CANDI BOROBUDUR adalah Indonesia meminta bantuan UNESCO hingga akhirnya mendapatkan penghargaan World Wonder Heritage.
Beside the uniqueness and differentiation, a brand is also needed to be communicated on the right way. What the previous government did was make a report to UNESCO until it is finally listed as the WORLD HERITAGE SITE.

Nah, bagaimana dengan brand Anda? Sudah mampukah brand Anda bersaing dengan brand competitor yang ada? Sudah adakah uniqueness dan diferensiasinya? Kalau belum, ciptakanlah sekarang juga!!
Well, how about your brand? Can it compete with the competitors? Is there any uniqueness and differentiation? If it hasn't, create it soon!!!

The Silhouette of The Great

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat. Dan bagi Anda yang memiliki pandangan lain tentang Borobudur, please submit your opinion here... CHEERS!!! =D
We hope this discussion is useful and inspired you to make a better brand. To everyone who has a different perspective about BOROBUDUR, please submit your opinion here... CHEERS!!! =D

Sincerely yours,
CAVLENT's team

All photographs on this article are courtesy of CAVLENT brands consultant

April 11, 2010



BSA (Bangun Sarana Alloy, P.T., means to develop the alloy industry) founded in 1990, adheres to produce high quality alloy wheel to assure driving safety and customer satisfaction. Located in Tangerang (West Java-Indonesia), BSA has also produced export quality alloy wheel to the international market such as Greece, U.E.A., South Africa, Srilangka, Egypt, Turkey, Kenya, and Australia.
As the quality standardization, it follows OEM Standard, JWL Quality Standard and even surpass the VIA Testing Standard.


Colored Chrome Finishing

Since the business started, BSA has manufactured products with various design, size, and function due to the market demands. And lately they just successfully developed the new technique of finishing (
COLORED CHROME FINISHING) as one of their innovation. And it makes BSA as the first and only company in Indonesia that use this technique. With its new innovation, BSA has just increased their product portfolio and need to be communicated as well. In the same time, BSA wanted to refresh their corporate design to be more tough and modern. It was our challenge to support their business plan.


We offered t
he newest products structure and corporate design that suit to the brand personality due to some consideration. Then it is communicated to the market through some media applications as part of the brand development. And here is one of the media application newest look.

Company Profile from Cover's View

Company Profile from Inside's View


Sincerely yours,
CAVLENT's team

This article is sole property of CAVLENT BRANDS CONSULTANT including its intellectual property rights and copyrights. It should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced by any other means without permission of CAVLENT BRANDS CONSULTANT

April 09, 2010


Beberapa waktu yang lalu di salah satu stasiun TV swasta Indonesia (kalau tidak salah dalam acara MATA NAJWA) terdapat liputan tentang FORD Indonesia yang melakukan launching untuk program service terbarunya (mungkin karena masih baru, kami belum dapat menemukan foto-foto seputar kegiatan tersebut). Beberapa service yang diperkenalkan dalam acara tersebut antara lain :

1. 24 hour OR FREE
Program ini merupakan bentuk komitmen FORD dalam memberikan service terbaik terhadap pelanggannya khususnya dalam hal ketersediaan suku cadang. Dalam program ini FORD memberikan jaminan bahwa suku cadang FORD di seluruh bengkelnya sangat lengkap. Namun apabila ternyata dalam waktu 24 jam suku cadang yang dibutuhkan tidak ada, maka FORD akan memberikan suku cadang tersebut secara gratis.

2. FORD MAN Icon
Dalam moment ini sekaligus digunakan oleh FORD untuk memperkenalkan ikon service terbarunya yang diberi nama "FORD MAN" untuk menyampaikan pesan jaminan service yang jauh lebih baik dan berkualitas dari sebelumnya.

Salah satu service yang cukup menarik, dimana FORD menyediakan fasilitas bengkel berjalan dalam bentuk mobil sehingga FORD dapat lebih dekat dengan pelanggannya. Mobil tersebut lengkap difasilitasi dengan properti layaknya bengkel sehingga dapat dikatakan mobile service ini semacam bengkel P3K yang cepat tanggap dalam menangani permasalahan mobil FORD.

Program-program tersebut merupakan bentuk kepedulian FORD dalam meningkatkan brand equity dari FORD itu sendiri khususnya dalam memberikan value lebih bagi para customernya. Namun, konsep-konsep service yang menarik akan terasa hambar apabila tidak diikuti dengan aplikasi yang tepat di lapangan. Bagaimana tim FORD akan menjalankan strategi barunya ini? Cukup menarik untuk disimak.... Setuju? =D CHEERS!!!

CAVLENT's team

April 06, 2010


In 2006-2010, many brands in Indonesia have made some change to be a better one through re-branding programs. There are caused by merged companies, the new regulation in the business-field, entering the new market, refreshing the visual look, and some other reasons. For that, we have put together some brands which have re-branded themselves during 2006 - 2010 through logo re-designed. Moving from left to right you will notice the transformation and if anyone know the re-branding background, we will really appreciate for the contribution.

One of the leading private TV station in Indonesia,
re-branded in around 2006 - 2007

A private bank which were merged in the end of 2007

One of the inspiring talk-show, hosted by Andy F. Noya,
re-branded by DM IDHOLLAND

A private bank which were merged in the middle of 2008

An Indonesian department store, re-branded in 2008 - 2009

A private bank which is going to enter the new market,
re-branded in 2008 - 2009 by THE BRAND UNION

An Indonesian Airline which is re-branded in 2009 by THE BRAND UNION
according to the newest international flight regulation.
It has been the second re-branding
(the first one was done around 90's by LANDOR ASSOCIATES).

Telecommunication provider which is re-branded in 2009,
and has been the second re-branding
(the first one was done around 2003 - 2004)

A government telecommunication company,
re-branded in 2009 by THE BRAND UNION

The biggest Sanitary Pads manufacturer in Indonesia,
re-branded in 2009 - 2010 by IDBRAND
to meet the Global challenge of Sanitary Pads product all over the world.

There are many more companies which re-branded themselves. Please feel free to share which companies they are and some related info due to their re-branding activity. CHEERS!!! =D

CAVLENT's team