When you are going to start your new business, it is important to get the attention from your market. They have to know about your products at first, at least your brand name. Your product will have less chance to win the market if people don't have any idea about things that you sell. So, what should you do?
In branding, there is "BRAND AWARENESS STRATEGY". Here, the point is about introducing the brand such as the brand name, the product or business category, the benefit, or else so people will be aware about your brand. As an introduction, a clear and simple message is necessary than a detail one, so the main focus of the message is about what the brand is ...
All the pictures are introducing what the brand is (no promotion message). The purpose is to build the brand awareness among the market. It is commonly used as the strategy before the promotion. The point of this strategy is telling them if your brand (now) is exist and can be found. Then let them explore more by themselves before you continue the next strategy which is ATTRACTING through some promotion activity. So, how did you introduce your brand? How aware your market on your brand?
CAVLENT's team
All pictures are taken from the web for knowledge sharing, not for commercial purpose
3 komentar:
good enough!
the critics and the suggest of how to brand building strategy is helpful for anyone. simple but really right,
from this post,the vision of 'what a brand is..' can be answered if we see the picture then try to understand what a brand is..
nice picture. nice example.
Good examples, those pictures tells well enough about the brand, no boring 'blah-blah' needed :P
Thanks all... Nice to know if it gives you some information... CHEERS!! =D
CAVLENT's team
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